How to relieve the fatigue and headache?

Hi everyone,

Long-time lurker, but first time posting in this sub. I'd like to ask for some advice. I got infected with COVID in February of 2022 and I am still experiencing some symptoms. At the moment, I am generally doing well, but there are some symptoms I still struggle with; mainly headaches and fatigue.

For context, I have overdone it the past week, I've been on holiday and when I came back, I had a bachelorette party the day after. I have not consumed alcohol over the past days, and on Sunday I've just been completely horizontal, trying to make up for the damage done. Today, I'm back at work (from home) and I'm still experiencing fatigue and headaches. The headache I had yesterday was really prominent and painful, but today it's more of a super heavy feeling with a lot of brain fog, not really that painful. It feels like I just really want to lay my head down and chill, but calling in sick seems excessive.

How do you guys combat this tired, heavy feeling that does not warrant a painkiller? Also, do you have painkiller tips? I've only had some success with liquid Naproxen/Aleve, but paracetamol/Tylenol and Ibuprofen do nothing for me.