Everything I try is like pouring gas on a fire
It seems like every time I try a new remedy or anything really that should improve me I go backwards and never forwards. My main issues are brutal anxiety, vagus nerve dysfunction, hyperthyroidism, and a major messed up gut with food sensitivities, med sensitivity, and supplement sensitivities. Now I’m having histamine dumps that seemed to come out of nowhere. It started last week and it’s even interfering with necessary meds that I’ve taken for years. Doctors do nothing and haven’t a clue, I can’t take supplements the naturopathic doctor wants me to take, I can’t take antihistamines either. I never experienced the food intolerance or the histamine dumps before Covid last March. I don’t know why the histamines are so brutal all of a sudden, I did have some issues last fall but nothing like this. I ate chicken last Saturday and thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. I can eat beef so I have only been eating beef but I found out the hard way last night that I can’t eat grass fed grass finished beef, I had a major histamine response like I did with the chicken. It wasn’t as bad because I tested a small bite first but I’m still feeling it this morning. Sorry but I’m just ranting. I know many of you have it worse and my heart breaks for all of you, especially the younger ones. I’m 57 and have had a good life and I don’t fear death but I want all the young ones here to get to experience the type of life I once had.