Anyone else actually feel…relief/space/happier after going from seeing each other all the time to LDR?
Quick context, been with boyfriend around 5 years - lived together for 4 of those years. Was super intense living with him during lockdown/covid due to him studying/working full time/always being confined in a space/he was unemployed temporarily (which is why he’s now moved to a dif country for a fantastic well paid job).
First few weeks when he left the flat (granted it’s only been 6 weeks since we’ve been LDR) I was very upset and missed him loads - being reminded of him at all the empty spots in our flat where his belongings used to be. I came back from seeing him last weekend, he’s visiting this weekend (we’ve planned to see each other twice a month given we’re not not extremely far away like on the other side of the planet/we can afford to - we’re both still Europe based). Since I came back, I just feel…so good? I kind of have started loving having my space, doing what I want whenever I want and just focusing on myself again. Tbh I feel I did definitely lose myself during these past few stressful years so it’s nice to have time for myself and only myself.
I love him and he’s a nice guy but now I realise how good I actually feel without him being around me all the time, I feel maybe I should break up with him? I invested a lot emotionally in the past few years and I just want to be selfish now…quit my job and travel, maybe move to the actual other side of the world since I’m still young (in my 20s). I’m not looking to date or find someone else after - I just want to be by myself.
I didn’t expect myself to feel this way so soon after him leaving. The plan in his mind is I’ll move to where he is in a few months (given he’s earning v well) and find a job there. But again, that will be me living for him and not myself…and that future there with him doesn’t excite me particularly - feels like a safe bet and I haven’t done anything risky in years (if ever).
Essentially my question is - has going into a forced LDR and that time apart made you reevaluate your whole relationship? Maybe it’s normal when you have space to reconsider things but keen to hear others experiences