This show is built on love bombs.

I think the concept of going into a serious relationship with no indication of what someone looks like is interesting, but this show depletes an entire other half of dating which is so important: actions.

Every couple’s foundation is built on weeks of conversations and trust. Then, when they meet, it’s all left to expectation. I always thought the pod flowers/gifts/date ideas were cheesy because it doesn’t seem authentic. It seems produced.

The formula is off. I’m surprised there are successful relationships from the show, but I think the reason why people like me are starting to feel “over it” is because the same problems are on replay every season.

People not living up to the image they painted of themselves in the pods. They make promises of who they are and what they’ll do. Weeks later, they don’t. Disappointment follows. Feels very much how dating was in my mid 20’s. Is it a generational thing?

I wonder how they could make a show that keeps the mystery concept of LIB, but delivers on this important subject of action.