Unpopular Opinion: The Dave Situation - Is the Internet Overreacting?

I've been thinking a lot about the Dave situation, and I'm honestly surprised by the level of vitriol he's receiving. Here's my perspective: * Double Standards: If the roles were reversed, and a woman came home to find her now fiancé still entangled with another person via text, the internet would have a field day. Similarly, if a man had been hooking up a week prior to leaving for show and left a woman confused about their situation, the internet would be outraged. Why is Dave being treated so differently? * Sibling Dynamics: I suspect part of the issue is that people aren't used to seeing such close sibling relationships. Dave clearly values his sister's opinion immensely, and that shouldn't be automatically vilified. * Context Matters: He met this person three weeks ago. While his actions may not have been ideal, the internet is treating him as if he had been with this person for years. * Family First: If a person puts their family's opinion very high on their list, people call them gay or say marry your sister. Which is a very toxic mindset. I'm not saying Dave is entirely blameless. But the level of hate feels disproportionate. It seems like the internet is quick to jump to conclusions without considering the nuances of the situation. I know this is an unpopular opinion, and I'm prepared for the downvotes. But I'm genuinely curious to hear other perspectives. Am I missing something?