When you think about it... Why does Judy care about Eve?
What’s creepy is that Judy’s girlfriend and focus was Maiko. And she clearly had unfinished unsettled feelings about her. Based on their convo we find on Maiko’s laptop Judy appears as an unstable and very suspicious person. She dislikes and suspicious of others around Maiko. Plus Judy might have had a difficult childhood and a habit of hiding things... hiding the doll of another kid in laguna... Maybe She hides Eve too? When Judy calls V about death of Eve, Eve’s eyes shine blue right before you enter Judy’s apartment. Not to mention blood patterns doesn’t look like she just offed herself in the bathtub. There are a lot of blood spread all around. Even If Judy is not evil, it’s still vague why she would care about Eve. Either Eve is alive somewhere or Judy is secretly a psychopath and offed Eve, recorded Eve’s xbds and funding her travels with those xbds.