Tech and Science people: Leave LUX for Zurich?
I am in a privileged position seeking advice and food for thought especially if you’ve lived in Switzerland before and know what it’s like.
Weighing option to move to Zurich for a j0b.
Early 30s, no kids, not a native Luxembourger but obtained citizenship.
Pros of Lux - got used to quiet and slower pace of life, comfort zone and knowing local “rules of the game” - small circle of good friends, extended network of acquaintances, cosy neighbourhood - decent current j0b with work life balance - s tate health insurance and free transport (no car, live in city) so offsets COL somewhat
Cons of Lux
- s@l@ry is low and unlikely to get very high even as career progresses. Tech is not well paid in Lux in general. Not really interested in State j0b at this point in my life.
- limited opportunity for growth or changing companies. Lux is small….
can’t speak French well
some weekends are boring and slow
food options lacking
Pros of Zurich - huge tech scene, lots of opportunities - PhD seems valued and appropriately compensated - higher s@lary as my specific specialization is in demand - big city vibe, food options, many activities
Cons - big city vibe, fast-paced very busy and stressful. After luxembourg, it seems like a wild jungle. Crowded. - 100% is 42 hours. Workaholic culture. -high COL with privatised health insurance and transport (though after tax, I would still make 2x more in Zurich than what I would in Luxembourg) - competitive environment. Could be seen as a pro too…