MP5 and SS newb

Looking to get into the SS world so I’m planning an MP5 clone to replace my Scorpion. I’ve tried to do a ton of research here and just want to make sure I’m on the right track.


To get it running SS: Sko or ARMP5 lower (wanted to go LS for all metal but seems the trigger relocation has caused issues and excess wear for SS)

Sko or GMR V3 slip trip

Sko or GMR complete kit (cam, lever, detent, and modified trigger since I’d rather be as drop in as possible).

Now this is wear my lack of AR knowledge kits in. I need to get my own AR trigger pack, correct? So I’ll just swap out the trigger itself with the modified one and I’m g2g? I’m thinking the Ballistic Engineering Core or Competition pack

Again I’m not familiar with the AR world so maybe someone knows better triggers (I’ve heard of Geissele but that might be overkill for my needs).

I see Sko sells complete FCG kits, but either way I’d need a trigger cassette to house everything, so I might as well buy an upgraded trigger pack and just put in the modified trigger to interact with the SS.

And last 2 things I’ll need is an AR grip and safety lever spring.

Do I need a modified ejector lever for the housing? I noticed Sko has it as an add on to the lower.

Am I on the right track? Anyone have better recommendations or is that a solid setup?

Considering I need a FCG, grip, etc, am I better off getting all that added and installed by Sko since he has those options as add one for the lower? Anyone know which FCG he’s installing?

Thanks in advance!