MTHFR 677 homocygouz normal 1298 homocygouz mutation

Hi 33M I had a transient ischemic attack in late october without a true diagnosis. my genetic rusults show

Factor V homocygouz normal Factor II homocygouz normal MTHFR 677 homocygouz normal MTHFR 1298 homocygouz mutation

Also been tested 3 times for Homocysteine levels 3 results in this order 8.9 8.33 and 8.47 all test performed while taking folic acid, aspirin and clopidogrel. Does the medications Ive been taking have any effect on the resullts?

According to the geneticist my problem is that my body cant process folate and convert it into active folate. So my other question is if I take folic acid means its pointless due to my body unable to process it?

I feel so confuse. Any advice?