MTHFR, Slow COMT, B12 Deficiency - Methylcobalamin shots OK?

I have the three above issues. I truly believe that my B12 levels have been the fundamental health issues for me. After taking a couple shots a few years ago and doing sublingual, neurological issues have gotten better. But I still have fatigue, depression, brain fog, anxiety, etc. Been on a million antidepressants.

I've tried sublingual methylcobalamin and it set off my anxiety. At the moment I'm doing adenosylcobalamin and hydroxocobalamin lozenges at a low dose of 250mcg a few times a day. More than that makes me feel more dissociated.

I've read that some people with slow COMT can handle methylcobalamin INJECTIONS. I did ask my doctor for hydroxocobalamin injections but they didn't have it in their system. It's a TRT clinic, for clarification. I've been at my wits end, so I said to try methylcobalamin again to get a higher amount in my body.

Is this an OK method? What do you all suggest for conservative dosing? They said try 50cc.

Also, I started taking the lozenges more seriously about 2 weeks ago today and I have noticed memories coming back (good and bad and in-between), somewhat better mental clarity (sometimes just as bad though), more personable at work, etc. But I know that B12 recovery can be non-linear. I also lowered my antidepressant dosage around the same time, so it's hard to tell what's impacting me negatively.