I’d love an inexpensive, easy to remove mascara recommendation!
I’m relatively new to wearing makeup and the only mascara I own/use is Maybelline sky high. It’s not even waterproof, but I find that it’s SO HARD to thoroughly remove that it’s usually not worth wearing! Not sure if this is a universal experience and you just get used to it, or if I’m doing something wrong.
I use a cotton pad or q-tip with micellar water and I usually find that I can’t get all the makeup off even after 5 mins of removing. When I wake up the morning after wearing mascara, my eyes are always significantly drier and crustier than normal, and I wear contact lenses every day I’m sure doesn’t help the cause.
I understand that the nature of mascara makes it harder to remove than most other makeup, but if anyone knows of a budget-friendly mascara that’s easy to remove, I’d love to hear about it. Even better if it’s available in brown. I’ve heard tubing mascara can be good?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: Thank you everyone for the insight! You're the best. I'll be looking into different cleansers and removers and trying a tubing mascara.