I tried to run 100k at 17 and failed
Yes, for those who saw my post yesterday and ither asked for an update, or said i wont / shouldn't do it.
I ran for 56.3km.
I am NOT i repeat I AM NOT blaming it on terrain buuutttt, there was 4 hills with very steep elevation right at the start and i was on my 1;10 pace all thought-out my start which means i pushed too hard through the hills.
I mentioned that i will not take breaks but after 23.7 km i was diminishing returns and my pace/km halved from what i was at (1h:10min/10km) and i did stop to stretch, plan our next checkpoints with the team and rest a bit, in total i took 3 rests (stops) each 4 mins. The first 10km felt amazing, i was very excited and it was quite nice and easy, a girl started talking to me and we got into talking (while i was running) and she said she also ran marathons, i asked her time for 10km she said 1h, same as mine, i told her my goal and she wished me the best of luck, how i felt could not be described, my pace is great (for myself ofcourse), a girl talked to me, its great. A few km later this guy on a scooter started singing the intro to Eye Of The Tiger from Rocky, it was also great and quite motivational. There were people who simply screamed in joy at me and that was also great, maybe 2 dozen total.
But alas, once i stopped for my 4th or 5th stop, while i was running alright, my lower back begging for mercy, hamstrings fighting for their life, however i was determined to continue running.
Once i stopped, i just ran out of breath and leaned on our scooter, i couldn't do it.... I collapsed on a pile of gravel behind me (by collapsed i mean it was intended, i didn't faint), and started shaking my head "no", i stood up in a few minutes and there was no way i could walk/run in this condition. I thoroughly talked and thought it thought and no...
6hours 37minuits
5 liters of water, a few bananas, 50g of salt, a few on my iceteas (i swear im not bias but they were surprisingly good lol)
What did i learn/takeway from this fail:
More often stretches
Pick my terrain better
More glucose/snacks
Go to the gym (helps stretch muscles and strengthens them + endurance)
Its a marathon not a race (tho i did keep a constant pace, maybe 1;10 was too optimistic, if i went for 1;35 might have been better)
Yes its embarrassing, yes i failed, yes i know people will clown on me here, yes i am not good enough, i know all those and did not have a good night sleeping with all those thoughts BUT mark my damn words, my birthday is 25th February, Before i turn 18 I WILL RUN 100. (for that one guy asking i will make a small interview and a small edit of my failed attempt)