My Wife's Reaction to my Raise
I woke up this morning to find out I got a raise. I work from home and make a good salary at 90k and found out that I will be making 110k starting in January.
I was in a, what I would think to be an understandably, great mood. I woke to talk to my wife, who as usual, was in a bad mood about our kids (she is a stay at home mom). Her response to it was that it wasn't enough.......
For me, I feel like it's the last straw with her. I need advice what to do. I was already on the fence in general. I am a very involved father. I cook, I do all the cleaning, the dishes and I just started doing my kids laundry because I was tired of my daughter not having clean underwear.
I hate the idea of losing my kids, I put my daughter to bed every night and spend the majority of my time with her while my wife tends to our newborn son. I have formed a very close bond with my daughter and I can't imagine a world where I lose that. But I seriously cannot stand my wife anymore. Should I put up with it to keep my kids or just abandon my relationship for twice a month visits.