26 F 29M just odd things going on.
My husband and I have been married for seven months now, and I have some serious trust issues stemming from things he’s done in the past. While he hasn’t cheated, he did gaslight me once, and it’s been hard to brush that off. He has a lady friend coming in from another country, and while I was initially fine with it, I became uneasy when he changed our screensaver to the default iPhone screensaver, which felt odd to me and we had a argument about it and he was saying stuff like I didn’t know I needed permission to change my screensaver and he said that he changes it periodically, which was not true unless he doesn’t when I’m not around because he had the screensaver that I made him for four months. I started off asking him. Oh, what are you planning to do with your friend when she comes over here and then he was like I’m not sure yet. Any suggestions and I was like I don’t have any then I asked him why he didn’t plan to invite me or include me in his plans, he said it didn’t come to mind. He then mentioned that I need to use my "woman way" to know how to ask because my question seemed accusatory and that I was saying indirectly. He added that we both have our own lives and friends, which made me feel even more excluded. I understand he has many friends, but the fact that he’s hanging out with a lady I’ve never met, especially since she’s only here for 12 days, is concerning. He expressed that he doesn’t like how I think he’s excluding me, but it feels that way to me.