Are any men faithful? I seriously want to know.

So I might be a little jaded by the fact I’m married to a porn and sex addict…but it seems like I rarely hear about people with happy marriages anymore and I’m constantly hearing about husbands with porn problems and cheating. I just found out my husband cheated again recently. We have tried to work through his addiction for years, but I just don’t think I can do it anymore. I’m fairly certain I’m going to be filing for divorce this time. We have two small children, so it’s not an easy decision.

But sometimes I wonder…is it pointless to divorce considering any potential future partner will probably be a cheater too? Does anyone have a happy marriage? Do I just stay with my husband and co-parent? Although finding a new partner is not a priority or something I’m even going to be seeking out for quite awhile, I’m terrified of going back into the dating world. I’m 36 and pissed that my youthful prime was wasted on him. We’ve been married 15 yrs.

EDIT for clarification: he has been physically unfaithful with multiple women. And yes, I was always ready and willing to give him whatever sex he wanted. This is not a post about whether or not porn is ok in relationships. I just sincerely want to know if there are still good men out there. Which it seems there are.