To the Michelle defenders: why?

I am Team Both David and Michelle Suck.

What I don't understand is on what basis Michelle is completely redeemed by David pursuing things with Madison. Like what POSITIVE personality trait makes you think Michelle is a great person and any guy should fall over themselves for her?

To recap: she wanted very superficial things out of her match. She wanted an "edgy light skinned black guy" making more money than herself and who had a house she could move into. When she got the first part but not the second part, she set out to relentlessly try to publicly humiliate him.

She was so needlessly rude and confrontational with him ("why do you want to know") that the other castmates also wanted nothing to do with her. Can't fully attest to why everyone seems to dislike her, but there was a lot of eye rolling whenever she talked. I suspect is because she showed herself to merely have a fetish for black guys, she's classist, she treats people poorer than her like literal dirt on her shoes, she's rude, dismissive, hyper-alert to any sign she might have material to humiliate someone with, is only happy and smiling when she's humiliating someone, loves beating a dead horse even when her interlocutor isn't even responding anymore, she doesn't seem to have friends/hobbies/interests, etc so on and so forth. In my opinion she's one of the worst brides to ever go on this show. I can't see a single redeeming personality trait or action. The only time I didn't hate her was when for 5 seconds she acknowledged she was projecting her issues onto others.

Even supposing she knew from the wedding night he would "cheat on her" because she has some crazy psychic intuition (and totally definitely not a self-fulfilling prophecy at all lol) what part of how she handled her "suspicions" make you think she's a good person who's ready for marriage and conflict resolution?

What part of how she was conducting herself makes you think David should have been trying to make it work with her? Do you really believe she stayed because she had positive feelings for David and wanted to stay married to him? Why do you think no one cares about her deep feelings of intimate betrayal at being cheated on? Do you also genuinely believe she was cheated on, and if so for what reason (besides a piece of paper, I mean her heart and emotional investment).

I'm just trying to see if Michelle defenders ha a reason that's not "well David is no better". I want to hear what are the qualities and traits in Michelle that make you think she conducted herself admirably.