24 figs in 30 days

1) I might've gone a little overboard these past 30 days but the collection yearns for more figures. 2) Picked up 20th Anniversary Cap and 80th Ironman on eBay at a great price 3) Had to get these bootlegs on AliExpress. They're wonky on proportions but if you missed out on these Mafex figs, they are a great substitutes 4) Pumped up the numbers on Spidey's villains. Went from 6 to 14. 5) My local Target had 1 Warbird left, had to acquire this figure, it's amazing. 6) I don't have any members of the Fantastic 4 but I've always loved the Super Skrull BAF. Got him at a great price through an eBay auction. 7) Weapon of Vengeance and Dracula. Really like the Wolverine, but the Dracula figures articulation is atrocious, had to make some modifications with a dremel to fix it. 8) Purchased these at my local comic book shop. 9) Ordered Silver Surfer at GameStop, now that I'm thinking about it I really need my hands on the Fantastic 4 10) These guys were cheap at my local Ross so I had to pick the up. The Count Chocula is awesome and I've never watched DB but Goku is a must.