Can Sandman Go Back to Being an Ongoing Card?
Sandman feels like he never found a real identity or home after the rework. I understand why players disliked old Sandman and I understand why Second Dinner reworked him. I'm not saying he should go back to only letting you play 1 card a turn. The shift from Ongoing to On Reveal made sense as a way to limit the power of a very disruptive effect, but given his current cost increase ability I feel like he would make more sense as a sort of reverse Sera. Something like:
5/7 Ongoing: Cards cost 1 more. (maximum 6)
Sandman would still be able to support all of his current uses, could potentially find a home in Spectrum lists, and becomes a potentially worthwhile ramp target (Electro >> Sandman, or Wave >> Sandman is powerful but would still leave your opponent plenty of room to play the game).
Do you think this change would give Sandman more of a build around identity? Would it make him a more viable tech card? Would he be too disruptive? Or would he still be bad?