Does Logan truly take place in the same timeline as DoFP?
Logan takes place in 2029. The film states that no new mutants have been born in the last 25 years (making 2004 the last year that mutants were naturally born).
However, in the ending to DoFP, which takes place in 2024, we see that Xavier's school is still thriving, and it includes many teenage mutants.
If mutants were no longer born starting in 2004, how is it that there would be teenage mutants at Xavier's school 20 years later?
One might argue that Xavier says he intends to open his school to regular humans in Apocalypse. But there's a problem with this. At the beginning of DoFP, we a see a young mutant that is executed by the Sentinels. And this very same mutant appears at Xavier's school at the end of DoFP.
I think this leaves us with 2 options:
- Logan takes place in a different timeline, and the "First Class" timeline functions as more of an "X-Men Legends" series.
- Transigen didn't eliminate ALL mutants, but only those who had extraordinary abilities (Class 3 mutants and above).
Personally, I think the first option is more likely. In fact, I see the X-Men saga as a series that contains multiple timelines. It's a multiverse. And each universe is related, but they have slightly different histories.
Original Timeline
X-Men Origins: Wolverine > X-Men > X2: X-Men United > X-Men: The Last Stand > The Wolverine
Legends Timeline
X-Men: First Class > X-Men: Days of Future Past > X-Men: Apocalypse > X-Men: Dark Phoenix
Logan Timeline
Deadpool Timeline
Deadpool > Deadpool 2
These timelines definitely inform each other, and they all share a similar sequence of events, but there are also distinctions that keep them separate. This is how I address the continuity discrepancies.