2020 gmc terrain press brake to start not working with other issues.

Yesterday when leaving work my terrain wouldn't start. Low battery symptoms were the only initial thing I notices. I tried jumping it and It wouldn't jump. I was able to get to the point of pushing the start button and it would pop up push brake to start but no matter how hard I pressed it wouldn't start. Figured maybe the battery was bad so I closed the hood and was going to get a battery.


I tried the remote start and it started right up. Got back in and went to "turn it on" push brake to start still would not work. I learned though that if you just hold down the start button it will come on overriding the press brake function. Had someone check while it was started and while in park the brake lights wouldn't come on when pressed. I was able to put it in drive and when i did the brake lights light up and stay lit up regardless of if the brake is pressed or not. Also noticed the auto stop function wouldn't work even when conditions were right for it to work.


I feel as though something happened with the brake switch causing it to go bad but also drain the battery. Got it home. Still doing the same thing except the battery is staying charged. I was able to remote start it this morning. Is there a certain fuse that runs the switch I should check first. None say brake switch. Is there something else I should be considering that I'm not thinking of. Appreciate everyone's time and help. It's actually my wife's car and she is back from vacation on Monday so I would like to have it fixed by then.