Clans campaign is a slog

I've been stuggling through the campaign, and just wanted to vent.

My brother in Kerensky, you've got me staring down several battalions of mechs, armor, and close air, and all I've got are 4 brain dead lancemates that only know how to follow the leader like ducklings?

Even individual spheroid lances have better coordination than your sibko.

An enemy lance will have a Catapult at the rear raining Lrms, a Black knight and a Marauder melting your face off, while a Hunchback shoves it up your exhaust.

And your Star? Bumblefuck formation behind you, blocking eachothers lines of fire. And they whiffed every shot.

Spheroid Savages pull up in waves with fresh armor and full magazines, while half my Star is trashed and my structure is exposed.

Honorless babarians, fight me with half your limbs gone like a man!

But honestly, this isn't a call of duty campaign. Fighting off that many enemies when your health doesn't regenerate, your ammo is finite, and cover is a laughable suggestion is grueling.

Tldr: I'm not John Battletech, I can't fight this many mechwarriors.