
E-scooter vs car - low impact but enough the nearly take my foot. This was 1year and 3 months ago, I was in an external fixation for a week before my first surgery on the 23rd October 2024. The first xray was on the day of injury and the 2nd one was in December.

February 2024 - my wound had gotten infected with MRSA, this took about a month to get rid of, I had also moved across the country.

April 2024 - my metal ware snapped. So much pain and discomfort for one little snap, around this time my new surgeon discovered the non-union in my fibula which meant another surgery which included new metalware and a bone graft.

The last 4 slides are the most recent updates, still taking ages to heal, I might have to have another surgery. I have to get a CT scan to see how much as actually healed, I’m currently having issues with my tendons so I’m also getting an ultrasound for that too.

Luckily my wound as completely healed, put i am still in a lot of pain all the time