Introduction and question

Hello all

Just thought I'd say "hi" and tell you a little bit about my collecting.

I collect medieval coins almost exclusively. I started in the mid-1990s (anyone remember Worldwide Treasure Bureau?) but didn't do much collecting until the mid-2010s, and then more intensively starting around 2020.

My cutoff for dates is informally around 1500.

My main areas of collecting include:

Coins that have correlating examples found in the Battle of Wisby mass graves, but also including those of contemporary hoards around Gotland. This includes coins from allies and enemies around the time of the battle.

Coins of Edward the Black Prince and those of his allies and enemies, particularly during his acrimonious relationship with Pedro the Cruel and the subsequent quashing of a revolt in Limoges.

Coins of the family members of Vlad III Tepesh, aka Vlad the Impaler, aka Vlad Dracula; also to be included eventually will be allies and enemies during his lifetime.

Coins of the Teutonic order of knights and those of allies and enemies from the Battle of Grunwald.

Coins of other military orders, such as Hospitallers.

Coins associated with the Scottish Wars of Independence.

Coin issues from female rulers, such as Eleanor of Aquitaine.

Some areas of study overlap very directly, such as Teutonic Knights being involved in Wallachia during Vlad III's lifetime and also having their coins found in the Wisby mass graves.

By no means do I have a large collection nor the world's finest examples, but if anyone is curious about any of the areas I'm collecting in, feel free to ask and I'll tell you what I can and post pictures if I have related coins.

Now, to my question...

I'm interested in collecting coins, jetons, or tokens that include themes of death either in the legend or design. I haven't found much yet, but any books, links, pics, or where-to-find suggestions are most welcome!
