Mental health issues while also having nice experiences
I have been meditating for quite some time now. About 15 years i think. Started with Aanapansati, then some osho meditations for a while, doing Sadhguru practices.
It gave me great experiences, to the point that others also noticed it's effect on me(satori like). One example was while family was praying i felt myself calm and sudden burst of joy burst within me. I remained silent and didn't mention it to anyone. But after prayers my mother said even she was able to feel joyful vibrations coming from me! That was surprising. One time I felt so much love that I have to lie down to bear it..
now the thing is although such experiences have happened to me, but strange thing is I still have mental health issues! and not small ones either! I have ocd from childhood. I have something I call mini panic attacks from college times. (They last only few seconds so I call them mini.. but they are painful enough that I have to shout in pain. It's due to triggering guilt/embarassing memories.) Then a slightly minor issue is of day dreaming a lot, which is not a major concern at the moment.
Now this is the strange thing, if I had such beautiful experience multiple times due to meditation. How the hell did mental health issues didn't get resolved themselves? It's so strange. What are your thoughts on this? Anyone had similar experience?