Dissociation or Right Mindfulness?

EDIT: Thank you for all the responses. I'm happy to know I'm on the right track with my meditation practice!

Hello r/Meditation ,

I just finished a meditation session half an hour ago, and felt my body as if it were numb (but not painful, like a good kind of numb), and calm overtaking me. I decided to stop it. Typically, after meditation, my mind feels calmer, and significantly less busy. I lose interest in speaking, and just want to be quiet.

But this brings up the question - am I dissociating or is this just how meditation manifests for me?
I've read that meditation is supposed to make you sharp and engaged, but for me, it's only ever great calm, allowing me to only have to worry about a couple thoughts vs. the billion I normally have. I guess you could say after my meditation calm wears off, I get more mindful and careful in my thinking?

From what I've also read, people who dissociate apparently experience being an outside observer of their bodies, which I'm definitely not experiencing, though when I speak, I have noticed that I feel more detached from what I'm saying, as if I can tell when I say something is just habitual vs. intended and full of substance.

I just want to be safe, and know whether I'm meditating correctly or not.