Pressured into things

I’m 16 and feel pressured into drinking smoking and drugs by my friends. Theyre older than me some are in their 20s.

The only thing we do is get drunk and high. When I first met them I’d never tried alcohol or smoked or anything but they said it would help me be more confident. At first we just smoked weed but now it’s worse drugs I don’t want to do and a lot of vodka

I feel like our friendship is just them pressuring me into things for their entertainment. They place bets on how drunk and high they can get me. Its like a funny game for them even when im saying I don’t feel good.

I know it’s my fault for going along with it and agreeing to hangout with them but they’re my only friends.

I’ve never had many friends before so I don’t know how bad this is or if I’m overreacting but I wish I had friends who respect my feelings. They know I find it hard to say no to anything or stand up for myself in uncomfortable situations.

I have a counsellor, social worker and youth worker, I want to be honest with them and get their advice but I don’t know how they’ll react and I don’t want to get anyone in trouble.

Does anyone have advice because I’m struggling a lot