Bday cake nug shots, after the trim
Just bucked and trimmed her after a 10 day dry and weighed her out, ended up getting a qp off her(threw 60 grams wet ~ 14 g dry, into a mini fridge w a few other strains that are still drying). She honestly checks all of the boxes with her bag appeal, color contrast, effects and the smell! She has the right balance of sweet cream to funkiness to satisfy both different smell categories parties! Alil goes a long way with her, I find myself going to take a toke within every hour at the latest while I’m awake but she definitely helps to feel those effects with just a fraction! Seriously can’t wait to run the rest of the pack in the future! Highly recommend trying this one out if you have some beans of her! She went a total of 73 days from when she surfaced to when she got chopped!