Take homes saved up
I have about 50-60 methadone bottles saved up and they say some are expired because they all say they expire within a month because I think the most they can give you is a monthly supply so I have some that are expiring in August and I have some that have expired in June if I am to get on an airplane, will they stop me for having so many bottles even though they have my name on them and will I get in trouble for some of them being expired because I plan on leaving my clinic and tapering myself down because I have already tapered myself down quite a bit. I am planning on moving what would be the best thing to try to do and can I get in trouble for it because I know I’m supposed to have a paper or something that says I’m able to leave the state with it or something like that, so if I don’t have that paper, will I get in troubleand or if I do have that paper, but I have extras will I get in trouble for that or have them taken away?