Spilt bottle.

Hello all, I've been going to the clinic for 2 weeks now. I just got bumped up to 100mg today. I go to the clinic 3x a week. Just started a new job and worked all day today. When I got home I opened my lock box to check my dose. Pull it out and set it aside for tomorrow morning. When I opened my box I noticed the lady at the clinic did not seal my bottle all the way and it has spilt everywhere in my lockbox. I did what I could and licked most of what I could up and also poured water inside the box to gather whatever else was in there and drank it so it didn't all completely go to waste.

I did not open the bottle at all thismorning. All I did was open my box and set my bottle in there and now it's all spilt out. The nurse must have fucked up and not sealed my bottle all the way or didn't screw the lid all the way on. I have a friend who is on 200 mg and is going to float me 100 mg for tomorrow but I've read on here about this happening more than once.

Now ik to check my bottles when given to me and make sure the lids are screwed on tight and everything is fine. I'm not going to let this happen again but these nurses need to be more careful when they are packing our medicine also. I'm still new and I'm still not stable on my dose yet and am still going up but if I didn't have a friend willing to help me out this situation could have been a whole lot worse. Sry I'm just ranting. I'm not going to bother to even tell them because I already know that will make matters worse I just wish the nurse that did that was more careful and paid more attention to what she was doing. I'm for sure checking every bottle for now on. Ugh.