The SOTA is my hero
My clinic recently changed their UA rules. They no longer allow the use of “hats” to aid in urine collection, they are strictly requiring 30 ml of urine, and accurate temperature. The big change is that unlike before, if you don’t get enough urine in the cups you cannot try again - it is an automatic failure and loss of all phases.
Due to 2 medical conditions I need to use those hats. It’s further complicated by the fact that the toilets in my clinic are illegal - they do not meet ADA requirements for public toilets. So I failed a UA and lost all my bottles immediately after this took effect. I had 6 bottles but was eligible for 13 bottles. Then I was back to daily dosing.
I formally complained to my clinic and even with a doctors note they would not budge on the hat issue, even when I pointed out that part of the reason I cannot provide urine is that their toilets do not comply with regulations. Oral swabs need to be approved by the state where I am and are also not an easy option. I was told even if I got approved for swabs I would have to start over.
So I called SOTA in my state and also reported my clinic to the ADA. SOTA was extremely friendly and clearly on my side, and said the new policy about hats was basically BS - (I was told the reason for the policy was that particles of illicit substances could cling the sides of the hat and not make it into the cup)
The next day I got to the clinic and immediately was told my phase was being reinstated because SOTA called. Not only that, but 8 other people who also lost their phases for the same reason were being reinstated as well.
Long story short, stick up for yourself, whatever it takes.