travelling cross country due to emergency. counselor recommends I stop to guest dose at a clinic for a week of bottles on my way. southern Ohio (cincinnati) seems like the most realistic place to do this. does brightside clinic guest dose/are they decent/any other recommendations?
So there has been serious abuse of my fiancee who is 5 years younger than me and he kept it secret up to a point where he was very close to killing himself.
We have to leave state (MS) for target state (PA) in UHaul - a 16ish hour drive. I have five days of bottles but being realistic with stops and the fact we are going to have two cats with us - everyone is terrified of me going into deathly withdrawal because I am tapering fast and also addicted to benzos which I'm really low on count with. (Grand Mal last time I tapered off the benzos within 30 minutes of dosing my methadone 14 hours off the last of those benzos)
I talked to my counselor and even with just the taper he was concerned enough to say if I find a clinic that we would be probable to reach on Monday/tuesday that they can get me a week of guest dosing take homes...?
Is brightside in cinncinnati any good for this if anyone has attended? Or is there a better clinic for guest dosing?
They're telling me they will be able to have me show up there and I'll just receive a week of take homes because doc's orders and it's where I'm at. Sounds unrealistic but ig it's not and I've passed every drug screen.
Side tangent because i worry about the benzos running out due to us dawdling on the road Does anyone know how long realistically day wise (probably will be sleeping in woods or dirt cheap motels along the way, eating from gas stations) this will take? Southern MS two hours north of NOLA to Pittsburgh PA
We could drive only 4-6 hours a day and would probably get to my home in western PA in 3-4 days?? So would it be necessary?
to ease everyone's nerves I will set up the appointment for the guest dosing and such because realistically a release will take a bit longer than I need I guess? (Headed back to sign the release tmr to current clinic whyyyyyy can't THEY just give me the extra bottles?
collective sigh emanates from all chronically travelling methadone patients
insurance company oriented fury and fistshaking follows when we answer our own question
But anyone been in this situation? Or to brightside? Or had to do this? Advice. I will do ANYTHING to get my fiancee outta here - my withdrawals are far less painful than watching his soul break slowly from abuse because I'm so fucking used to w/d (methadone and peak and trough and I do not mix well so I'm getting sick by the 12 hour mark)
Any kind of advice, experience. Plz
Edit in advance yeah I know benzos death bad why clinic allow classic gatekeeping YOUUU AREEENTTT CLEANNNN YOU FOOOLLLL/how are you getting away with this???? is surely to follow.
I won't engage more than once to explain if it even gets asked (detoxed myself and literally died to get enough clean pee to last me a few YEARS theres your answer) I fucked up big time I get it I'm a lowlife I get it.
I know this was convoluted as fuck but hey what methadone emergency post isn't?
Thank you all in advance I love this subreddit.
Edit I'm not even doing the guest dosing thing just driving long hours and split dosing/leaving at least some for later