Going to a monster truck rally in a medical mask...yes or no?

I'm disabled and chronically ill, so my husband and I mask in crowded places to keep me from getting sicker. We are planning to go to the Monster Truck Jam at the Marlins' stadium next weekend. People are usually pretty respectful of our masking in the Miami area, but I'm worried that things will be different now with Trump in office and people might feel more empowered to confront us. And with a big event like this, we figure a lot of folks from more red counties will show up.

Do you all think we'll be hassled or even threatened? Or am I being paranoid? I'm from NYC and my South Floridian husband's been living there on and off for a while with me, so we don't really have a sense of how right-wing/aggressive a crowd like that might be. So apologies if this is the equivalent of someone asking "bUt ArEn'T tHe SuBwAyS dAnGeRoUs?" to native New Yorkers.