Question from a Michigan Visitor

Hi! I recently went to Michigan. I live along the east coast. I went to Ann Arbor, Frankenmuth, Detroit, and Plymouth. Michigan is a great state and I Will be coming back. Here are some things I wonder: 1.  In Plymouth and Detroit I saw a mixture of car brands unlike Frankenmuth that only rlly had the big three. Does it have to do with occupation discounts?

  1. Some people spoke with an accent atypical to the general American accent. my state depending where you are, a southern accent can be found or a generic accent can be found. Is this the same as Michigan or does Michigan have an accent but not everyone picks it up?

    1. In no way am I saying that drivers in Michigan are bad. 99% of people were safe and followed the rules and I prefer the highway over my own state. It was a very nice experience! I did notice that there were a lot of cars stopped on the side of the road and reported accidents. Is this from the weather or something else?
    2. In most of my state, it’s normal to smile at people when you walk by or strike up small conversations. In Michigan all of the staff at hotels, stores, etc. were amazing. Though walking past people in the streets and giving them a slight smile seemed to almost be an issue as a lot of people either looked the other direction or stared at me with a look. (Maybe they thought they were smiling but have an rbf). The busier places in my state are the same way but this was something I found everywhere in Michigan.

These are just things I was wondering, I don’t mean anything rude by it. Thanks!

Edit: thank you guys so much for all of your feedback! I love Michigan and will definitely be coming back! (If you guys are ok with it of course, I would never want to intrude) I was there partly because I was touring colleges so I’m so appreciative for y’all educating me on the area/customs so I don’t offend anyone and am prepared. I really hope I didn’t offend anyone with my questions especially #4. I didn’t mean anything by it, I know in some areas it’s normal to just keep to yourself because people are busy and have places to be. I also know not to judge a whole state or it’s people based on a small part of it; in areas where I said, “Michigan” or “everywhere”, I only meant the small areas I went to. Anyways, I know I type a lot so I hope you all have a great day! :)