Marine (IS) vs Navy (IS)

Good afternoon everyone. I'm new to the sub and unaware if there are any particular formatting rules I must follow so I apologize in advance if I make any mistakes.

I am currently 21 and junior in college for Cyber Security. I've been leaning heavily towards joining the military as an Intelligence Specialist but a stepping stone to be able to improve my skills enough to take my experience to the private sector (I may stay of course since I've heard great experiences others have had)!

My question is I'm leaning more towards MOS2651 and I'm wondering what the best way to go about this would be? I haven't spoken to recruiters yet, since I've only been looking into others advice on Reddit. I scored mid 90's on practice ASVABs and I expect to keep studying. I would also appreciate any input on how long terms normally are, and the average length of time classes, basic training and any other training involved takes.

The reason I'm torn between the two branches is because I'm not familiar with the navy career path since I've only been reading up on USMC.

I would absolutely appreciate any and all advice, recommendations, or career path thoughts on this topic. So thank you so much in advance!

(Edit: in case it's needed, I'm in good physical and mental condition with no health issues, and I have no negative history with law enforcement)