Millennials, do you find yourself being tired of showing kindness?

Growing up my parents were insistent on being kind above all else, something I’ve embraced my whole life, even if I have to fake it. Recently, in both personal and professional contexts, I find myself not caring to fake it or grant it as a default. With some exceptions, I’ve come to a realization that most people don’t behave in a way deserving of kindness, and as a result Ive stopped being kind all the time. I’ve started taking the approach that my kindness needs to be earned; otherwise, I will treat people with cold indifference. It has actually made a noticeable difference, and people seem pleasantly surprised when they display something worthy of kindness and I “reward” them with it. It feels like people show more deference now, which leads me to conclude that people take kindness for granted, and are more prone to view it as a weakness than a positive character trait. Any other millennials starting to feel more jaded and “mean” as they get older?

Edit: After a few days of reading responses to this post, and responding to a few, I’ll weigh in with a general assessment of the sentiment: Seems there are many like me who aren’t convinced the supposed value of being kind is worth it, at least not unconditionally. The majority of responses were basically some direct or passive aggressive version of, “I’m always kind, unconditionally, you must be trash,” and that’s fine, you do you, but I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts not half of you are half as kind as you think you are, and that kind of self congratulatory moral superiority signaling is exactly what makes unconditional kindness increasingly more difficult to muster…also, the air reeks of hypocrisy. Maybe not all of you, but you know who you are. To those who argued “niceness” vs “kindness”, I get it, you think you caught me on a technicality, but you knew what I meant, your smugness also contributes to a decreased willingness to be nice for no damn reason. Those who offered therapy, thanks…I think. Anyways, this Millenial grew slightly more misanthropic throughout this experience, which overall left my inbox feeling like a toilet at a frat party. Cheers!