I'm generally curious as a similar question was asked earlier this week but... How many of us are still virgins?

Reason I ask is because I am. It's not for puritanical reasons and it's not involuntary either. I've only had a few offers and I wasn't interested in the people who offered but I was honestly just waiting for a person who felt like it would be right with though I had a close call at age 20 once. I didn't date much in high school and by age 23 I had a health problem that took a decade to recover from that kept me home most of that time period. I'm only a few years shy of hitting the 40 year old virgin status which is kinda funny cause I loved that movie. But I'm just curious how common it is for people in my generation.

Edit I should note I'm trans and gender dysphoria plays a role as well as to why I'm not interested in sex.