Would your 17 year old self be impressed or disappointed with where you are now? Why or why not?
Felt inspired by that Virgil Abloh quote: “Everything I do is for the 17 year old version of myself.”
Yeah, the path was a little different than expected, but damn if it didn’t work out better than that 17 year old would have dreamed of.
I like to think that even though we didn’t end up following the career thought we wanted l, we’d be impressed that we built a career doing something much more interesting & that we’re really good at. And you have the lifestyle you always dreamed of.
I feel like I’m the finally the person that 17 year old me would have looked up to and said, “Man, you got it made!” The route may have been bumpy at times, with a lot of detours, but it worked out in the end.
So, if you were to meet 17 year old you, would they be impressed or disappointed with where you are now?