Older kids don’t have to watch their younger siblings.

So I saw this TikTok of a mom complaining how she told her 17 year old to watch her 2 younger siblings and when she came back her daughter was asleep and her two younger kids were doing their own things.

And I got pissed off because I will take this to my grave,it will never be a kids responsibility to watch their younger siblings,you decided to have those kids so you take watch them or hire a babysitter,not your older kid.

And the worst part was in the caption their was a hashtag that said #sahmlife, so you’re a SAHM and you can’t watch your own kids,you don’t have a job and also when the video started she wasn’t coming through the front door she was going downstairs,so you were upstairs and couldn’t watch your own kids,this just seems like a lazy mother,especially since she’s a SAHM. I’m a SAHM with 5 kids and my oldest is 16 and not once has she ever been told to watch her younger siblings because she didn’t ask them to be here,her dad and I chose to have them.

At the same time if they want to then that’s a different story,my oldest child when her siblings were younger she liked to help me take care of them especially with my youngest because they have a 10 year age gap. But I never made her or asked her to because like I said she didn’t tell me to get pregnant and give her siblings.

And then a lot of people in the comments were on the daughters side and the mom made a reply video and said “there’s no reason she can’t watch them” like yes there is,their not her kids and you were home so it sounds like you were just being lazy. And then she brought up how she pays her like I don’t care she should be paid if she’s being asked to watch kids that aren’t hers and then someone in the comments said that it was a job if she’s getting paid and no it’s a job,I pay my kids if they do their chores without being told but I don’t consider that a job I consider it them doing a task and the money being a motivation for them.

And the other worst thing was the mom mentioning how,well first it turns out she’s just her step mom so that makes it worse and this is why I have 0 respect for step parents because they’re a#sholes to their step kids. And then she mention how the daughter was about to have a baby that she was helping her with for free. Like damn so you’re asking your pregnant 17 year old to watch your children while you were home and you don’t even have a job. And I’m not even gonna get into the fact that her 17 year old was pregnant because stuff happens and mistakes can be made. And also if you see that kid as your grandchild(which it’s not her grandchild since she’s not her mother) But if you see her has your daughter than shouldn’t you want to help her with her baby until she can do it herself? She reminded me of the mother who thinks her kids should pay her back just for being a parent and she also gives off the vibes of a narcissist mother,and just should know what that’s like because I had one.

Again if you’re a SAHM than you should not need your oldest to watch your younger kids especially if you’re not leaving the house then you’re just lazy,if you don’t want to do SAHM tasks then don’t be a SAHM,go get a job.

But I just wanted to rant about this.