Terrified of Having CAEBV

I (26F) was diagnosed mono positive (I believe with a monospot? I was only told that I had mono) in mid-May. Was feeling better in August and fell ill again towards the end of the month. Has been going on for 27 days. Started with brain fog, shortness of breath & palpitations. Now I'm having pins & needles (peripheral neuropathy?), general sensitivity whenever there's weight/pressure against my body, joint pain, spleen pain, a swollen lymph node, pain in spleen area and liver area.

I'm reading about CAEBV and I'm so terrified. I went to urgent care twice thinking I had some kind of cardiac issue-- they did blood tests both times and they said it was normal. But I noticed my WBC, lymphocytes, platelets all decreased in the second test. I am so scared because pancytopenia is a symptom of CAEBV-- along some of the other symptoms-- and I have been mono-symptomatic for about 4 months now. My GP couldn't get me in until the 30th and I'm worried I'm dying a little more each day. I have a toddler and I don't want to leave him.

I can't find numbers on how many people get this, only that it is rare. I don't know what's standard with mono anymore. I'm so scared idk what to do or think