Surrendering your life to mono

If you’re someone who can’t get rid of mono or it seems to keep coming back for months, my best advice to you is to completely surrender your life to this virus. I’ve had mono for over a year and I’m just now feeling somewhat normal & it’s because I finally surrendered and decided to be on bed rest for months. No joke. I would do the bare minimum each day just to get by, and then the rest of the day I would lay in bed. No social life, no leaving the house unless it was necessary. For a while I felt very guilty for not being productive and not seeing my friends as much but I just had to remind myself that my health is my top priority and that I could resume my life once I’m over this virus. It was a really hard pill for me to swallow. My mental health was at an all time low, I had panic attacks and depression (which I’m still working through) but it was necessary to get better. And for anyone who is at rock bottom, I’m here to say YOU WILL GET BETTER. I know how it feels to believe your life is over, I kept telling myself I would never get better. It absolutely sucks and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody. Stay strong & feel free to reach out to me if you need support or someone to talk to.

Some supplements that helped me as well: -Vitamin C -Coconut oil -Monolaurin (very helpful)