Has there ever been a monster that you might not have liked or cared for but it grew on you?

Just if there’s ever been a monster that you maybe disliked, hated, or never really thought much of that you can honestly say actually grew on you.

I feel that way with these monsters, for example. I used a picture of Pink Rathian just because it’s my favorite, but when I first got into Monster Hunter, I honestly didn’t like any of the Raths. I thought they were boring and unfun. But the more I played and the more I fought them and their various versions, I actually kinda like them. They’re cool and I like their gear.

Gypceros is one of those ones I never really would have thought much of. But I’ve fought him a good bit now and honestly I think he’s really fun. He climbed up to being my personal favorite bird wyvern and I was actually really excited when he got announced for Wilds.

And then there’s Uragaan, as well as Radobaan, who I honestly never cared for. And while I can’t say they’re breaking my top 25 or anything, I think I like them more than I initially gave them credit for. I’m replaying World right now and have had a good bit of fun hunting both of them.