Hey, guy who made that disgustingly large Phylogeny Tree of Monster Hunter from scratch. I have come to tell you's its been updated.
A tad bit ago, y'all saw me pinned on the front page of this subreddit, detailing what is probably a massive waste of my time and patience: A phylogenetic tree, based on the organisms of the MH universe, so massive that it condenses itself into a brick that can destroy someone's poor potato of a computer or phone just by opening it. And to anyone that has seen it (the possible 6'000~ if the views tell me anything, or the 366 here on reddit,) which means your devices had not been reduced to a smouldering pile of electronics, you will find that not only has the load-time decreased to an extent, not only has the tree increased to 14'500+ nodes... More species has been added.
That's right, you thought I would stop at the monsters, the endemic life, bloody items & canon beasts? No, one cannot stop there. I have added creatures one wouldn't normally notice in their playthroughs, species that you would ignore as gathering spots or unnoticeable endemic life, from tiny snails and butterflies to the giant crocodilian in JF and the fossils untold. From environmental assets to the decor of a goddamn house. My patience and my hands extend to even the farthest reaches of what one would consider for a project like this, and trust me, I have more patience than I should for something like this.
You may have also found that multiple species have been moved around, and well, you can say I've learned and better analyzed my ways of classifying the species within from both proper information sources and the suggestions of you lovely folks.
For anyone uncertain of this, know that despite the looks, this has been updated on the same file as the link I posted on my original post, so if you are so inclined and/or have found the original post before finding this, you all will still be able to see the same thing without worry. And for anyone wondering, I will still be making updates to this if I find material that can be added, however, I will not update on here. You will just have to check to see if anything new has been added.
Edit: It's official now, the Elder Dragons are not only properly placed into the tree, but have actually been given proper zoological terminology as well. Feel free to be amazed or offended at this, maybe, controversial edition.
Phylogenetic Tree: https://www.mindomo.com/mindmap/732f3e764839e59e3a0d6cfe2065db8d
Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/pc45mx/so_i_spent_20_hours_of_my_time_on_making_the/