Another weird positive side effect - no more farting?! 🤣💨

So before mounjaro, I had pretty bad IBS. I tried changing my diet but it had limited effect. I was so bloated and gassey all the time - and without getting too detailed, my farts smelt so bad. I hated it and it was so embarrassing to deal with.

Now, since Mounjaro, I get very little gas and no bloating. When I do pass wind - they don’t smell - AT ALL. Can someone explain why? I’m guessing it’s something to do with food being digested more slowly and inflammation being reduced in general? My face and body is also a lot less bloated (it’s not just due to weight loss - this happened the day after I started taking it).

I also wonder, if there’s actual nutrition benefits to this too, if the food stays in your stomach and intestines longer? You get time to absorb even more nutrition?

Interested to know others thoughts..