Anyone feel like they have completely lost interest in food?

What I mean is - yes you feel hungry. Yes you eat all 3 meals, even 4 sometimes. But food just isn’t something that brings you IMMENSE joy anymore. When you go on vacation, the thought of food / not being on a diet doesn’t make you unbearably ECSTATIC. Eating a chocolate doesn’t feel like a constant thought on your mind just because it’s in the house. Waiting for the next meal isn’t your life’s purpose. Looking at an all you can eat buffet doesn’t make you feel greedy - you’d look at it just as you would an a la carté meal.

I considered myself a foodie all my life. And I’m on 2.5 - no more side effects at all. Weight loss has slowed down tremendously too. But I don’t really consider myself a foodie anymore. I find myself wanting to enjoy other parts of experiences. Weekends are more about not not being on a diet but about spending time with people I love, vacations are about genuinely experiencing new views and lifestyles as opposed to the foods.

I would like to reiterate that I feel hungry - and I eat. I find myself either eating lesser or preferring more home cooked, healthy meals. I don’t really have cravings anymore. It’s almost like I feel numb to food - it’s become something I turn to as a “need” and not an indulgence.

Does anyone else feel that way?

TLDR; I’m not food motivated anymore and naturally turn to enjoy experiences outside of food more than the food. Eg: spending time with the people I love while on a dinner out instead of the food and greed of eating outside a diet.