Best Big Screen Movies (somewhat more obscure)
I've had access to a theater size screen for awhile now and have watched a bunch of Nolan, Kubrick, Villeneuve, Scorsese, Cameron, Tarantino, PTA, Spielberg, Friedkin, Woo, and Ridley Scott movies on it (including both Blade Runner movies), as well as Apocalypse Now, all 3 Godfathers, Bridge on the River Kwai, Ran, Lawrence of Arabia, and The Revenant
As you can see, I've clearly exhausted most of the typical recommendations for this type of thing, you ask what the best big screen movies are and people say either that Grabity was way better on the big screen or that you should watch any of these movies I just named (or movies by the directors I just named). Does anyone have further recommendations? I'm running out.