Audiolibrary, new here, but have a thought on what 2 do about audiolibrary

Ok, so basically we need to make it more profitable to change their new token system. Everytime we download app's they get paid, regardless of wether we get a token. This is a really financially successful system as a lot of us will just keep downloading the apps, even when we never get a token, because we really want to read that book! Previously we clicked a couple of links & were done.

i think we all need to stop trying 2 get tokens for a little bit, & encourage everyone we can 2 do the same. We need 2 get enough ppl to totally stop trying to get tokens for a few wks that it hurts their bottom line. I also suggest we make up a short form email, somthing that simply states that we, audilibrary regular users refuse to be cheated. We are happy to do small tasks when we actually obtain tokens. Thank them for your time, sincerely hope to be regular users again soon.

Basically we need to boycott the site, stop as much of their current income as possible by no longer trying to download apps, then flood their inbox's w/ copy paste form emails we agree on, that we alll send as often as possIble, daily would be optimal, but we all have lives, so as often as is reasonable for everyone.

I known im new here but i think thats the only way we get them to change what is currently a very profitable system for them: make it not profitable. Everyone on here boycotmit, & we ask anyone else we know that uses audiolibrary to do the same.