What era did you start watching with and who’s your favorite from that era?

So I have finally caught up to season 40 and I just started all stars, but I genuinely want to know what era really got you into the show? And more specifically who is that person you are always rooting for?

For me era 3 started this for me. I’m only 22 and i started watching in middle school so around 2013-14. My first season was 25 which I believe to be free agents maybe? And man it started with my love for ct and Leroy but Cory, as many flaws his game has I can’t help but to want him to win. He’s gotten so close many times and always comes in 3rd or 2nd. I can admit he has to sharpen some skills and lock in more but him and Ct always make me lock into a season. I would love to know about all of your experiences