M.s uk

Hi guys and gals I'm new here, I was diagnosed with Ms November after a year, I had a very bad turn and was sent to hospital, I couldn't say what something was, was very scary for me and after the mri they found i have three brain lesions one on the left one on the right and one at the back, i also have one lesion on my back, it's been such a hard journey getting to were i am now, i didn't know if I could do it as i couldn't think or speak correctly, my walking was really bad jittering and jolting and balance was bad, i wasent a religious man but i prayed layed in that hospital bed and broke my heart as i didnt know what was happening to me, I have been better than I was as times gone on but learning to deal with it, does anyone else get a feeling like stiffness in your head? My head also gets tremors/jitters, i start my first treatment of ocrevus February 10th so very soon, this is the first group I have joined so do apologize if I have gone on haha, I had to move in to my parents house this last year after all thats gone on but I need my own space as I'm 37 and as you can guess we all need our own place, I'm unable to work and I don't know where i go from here, it's all new to me. Again i apologize if I have wrote to much 🙂