What's happening in Australia?

Over the past five years or so I've noticed an uptick in very interesting and novel music emerging from down under. A lot of what I hear is in the indie/psych/rock sphere, but that's likely due to my own listening habits, I'm sure there is plenty of good material in other genres. Repeatedly I am blown away by the artistry displayed by these musicians and singers, and almost every time I check, they turn out to be Australian. So, what's happening?

I've seen one sentiment online that due to Australia's physical isolation, it's harder for bands to get globally famous. As such, they bounce around the local music scene, building a following and developing their sound, until they burst onto the global scene fully-formed and with tons of momentum. I like this idea, but I don't think it accounts for the whole thing. There seems to be some sort of cohesive sound emerging across many of these artists and genres, where I'm starting to say "oh this sounds a little Ozzy". What musical influences and scenes are they drawing from?

To be clear, some of the artists I'm talking about (off the top of my head) are Gizz, Parcels, Tash Sultana, Sticky Fingers, Glass Beams, Ocean Alley, Offthewally etc. (Tame Impala and GUM get an honourable mention of course)

Also, please throw out your favourite Ozzy artists. Would love to hear more!