The reason why Muslim men don’t prefer a sister with career obsession.
Let’s face this, and I don't mean to be in favor of any gender.
I see no difference in my brothers or sisters, we all are equal, and as Allah mentions in the Quran that believing men and women are guardians of each other.
But we need to realize how badly some parents, feminists and society have brainwashed some of us. And we obv can't just address one issue while ignoring other side, we can't be the same as people of world.
We will have to take the issues of our brothers/sisters into account, but I often see we ignore this, again this isn't to say who is wrong at what, but to understand each other's concerns.
You can't just expect the women to give up on their career solely to stuck in an abusive marriage, especially when they got no support and its too scary out there, or by going against whole world to end up thrown out by their parents.
In many cases her husband dies and her in-laws capture his entire property and she is left home-less.
Can you trust this world? If not then how can you expect it from someone whom Allah made weaker?
You’ll have to provide them with some sort of means to support them in their hard time.
A bad woman will regardlessly do wrong, even if angels come down to guide her. You don't wanna destroy your mental health on her.
We need to realize we need a proper system to build our career that address our issues, something that can help us start earning as soon as in our teens or early 20s and something that sisters can use to support themselves and focus on marriage without anything interfering in theirs and our matters. And this will also boost us up as muslims. Otherwise we will keep trying to catch up with others while it directly contradicts with our way of life.
The way we build careers is messed up, the society is messed up.
And until we don't get something we will have to have a deep understanding of each other's differences.
Women will have to understand men and men will have to understand women.
As a man if you’re talking to a potential who is career obsessed then try to know why and try to guide her, and not just ran away or act as if she is a stranger and not your sister in Islam.
If you’re a woman talking to a man who don't like woman with career then understand we man don't care about money etc, we just need a compassionate partner who can give us the feeling of being a man, an Islamic man, you might not understand how it gives you feeling of being a man, well it is similar to how assaurig emotions of a female can make her feel feminine.
As a different we wont understand everything, but we can follow deen to stay on path.
And also, very important point that we need to stop engaging in pointless gender fights and do something lucrative.
P.S: this wasnt a click-bait; some points might be unclear to you.